Our History

Universitas Merdeka Malang (UNMER) is a private university established since January 29, 1964, founded by the heart quarter foundation of Merdeka Malang (YPTMPM) in Malang, (certificate number 5a July 5, 1964). The founder was R. Edwin Soedardji, Soekiman Dahlan, SH., Franssiscus Soetrisno, Soegondo, Soetikno, SH., Dharma. In 1972, YPTMPM was changed into Foundation of University of Merdeka Malang (YPTM). Based on a legal document (certificate number 32, 1972), the foundation managing the University of Merdeka Malang was YPTMPM. The foundation of University of Merdeka (YPTM) is a private foundation bringing two major functions, comprising (1) the function of maintaining the nation ideology; this function requires YPTM role as an institution participating in keeping, securing and applying Pancasila and UUD 1945, (2) the function as academic institution carrying out Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. In order to carry out these two functions, YPTM together with University of Merdeka Malang undertakes several amending steps. In 1983, the foundation was re-established as the foundation of University of Merdeka Malang.